Huge congratulations go to our healthcare sector director Mark Walker on his appointment as a Vice President of CIBSE (The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers).
CIBSE is the professional body that exists to advance and promote the art, science and practice of building services engineering, to invest in education and research, and to support the community of built environment professionals in their pursuit of excellence.
He will be taking office in a Vice President role from June 2025, joining David Stevens CEng FCIBSE and Mike Burton CEng FCIBSE.
The CIBSE board made the appointment following the advice of an internal nominations panel. These appointments are normally made from those who serve, or have served, on the board, and all three Vice Presidents are current or past officers or board members.
Mark has been involved with CIBSE for a number of years. His exceptional achievements have earned him a prestigious position on the board of CIBSE for a three-year term, and in 2024, Mark was also elected Chair of the CIBSE Healthcare Group. He's also, notably, a section author for the new CIBSE Healthcare Facilities Design Guide.
Mark is our national healthcare sector lead and a senior director in our national MEP business. He has an in-depth understanding of the needs and demands associated with managing complex estate-wide healthcare projects, and he's also worked in other public sector contexts, including an in-house estates and facilities management role for a leading university in the north west of England.
Mark also has a keen interest in the digital estate for smart operation and maintenance as well as reducing energy and carbon emissions.
Commenting on the appointment, Mark said:
"It's an honour and privilege to be appointed as a Vice President of CIBSE. I'm looking forward to continuing working with my fellow board members, elevating building services across the built environment. I would like to thank Ruth Carter (CEO), the nominations panel and my fellow board members for their support."
Congratulations again go to Mark from all of us at Hydrock, now Stantec.