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Public Sector

Helping local authorities and public bodies adapt for the future to protect communities, improve quality of life and drive economic prosperity.

Public sector hero

Across the public sector, policies have been set to grasp huge opportunities in a number of critical areas — transport, energy, housing, climate change resilience and digital networks.

Collectively these areas drive economic success, have a positive impact on communities, influence cultures and affect lives.

In response to global change, our government commits billions of pounds a year to transform the UK’s infrastructure for the next era of human progress. We understand it’s about clear, long-term goals. But all major projects come at a cost that needs to be carefully assessed against the full range of realistic benefits.

Spending public money requires sound strategy and expert delivery. It’s why we take a collaborative role with our project partners and stakeholders, to fully understand the most difficult problems that won’t become any easier or cheaper by delaying action.

Some of the biggest challenges standing in the way of success sit right within our sweet spot. These include decarbonising heating, flood resilience, EV charging infrastructure strategy and sustainable travel. The quicker we tackle these, the quicker society and our environment will thrive.

Through the whole project lifecycle, our integrated engineering design, energy and sustainability advice will keep you pushing forward.

Sharing your goals, we’ll help you achieve environmental net gain, save money, reduce risk, add social value and futureproof communities. Now and long into the future.

Who we work with

We work with all stakeholders in the public sector:

  • Government departments
  • Local authorities
  • Public bodies
  • Social housing providers
  • Universities
  • Main contractors
  • Design teams
  • Specialist developers
  • Charities
  • Facilities Management
Our experience with Hydrock has been very positive […] with the whole team understanding us and our requirements, and driving forward with ideas, alternatives and solutions that can really add value to projects.

Tracy Nichols
External Funding Programme Officer at Swansea Council

Where we add value

In addition to our fundamental engineering design principles, we also address areas that include:

Shaping future communities, we deliver strategic and pragmatic energy and sustainability consultancy to inform masterplanning development and site promotion.

Public sector organisations value our ability to identify operational and investment opportunities to improve the energy performance of assets. We fully cost all recommendations and help implement change programmes that deliver the most effective return on investment. It’s an approach that mitigates stranded assets and improves ESG credentials.

We make strategic land and development sites viable by overcoming capacity constraints, reducing energy demand and maximising on-site generation through reducing connection costs and grid reinforcement charges.

Representing a significant opportunity, particularly on brownfield and strategic land sites, to maximise space and create additional income-generating opportunities. We fully cost proposals to invest in renewable energy and collocate where appropriate with energy storage solutions. We undertake all the utility mapping to understand grid connectivity and alternative methods.

Through our proprietary software tool, StratEV, we model the requirements and opportunities for charging, and address the supporting utility requirements. It’s an approach to make the best use of available space, especially where large parking areas remain unused at night but offer an additional income generating opportunity. Our tool is particularly valuable to meet the challenge of the democratisation of assets, identifying how residents in local authority areas can access charging.

Our building physics specialists will analyse why a building is underperforming and not delivering the predicted comfort or energy efficiencies. Through a series of operational, control and retrofit measures we turn the dial from under-performance to optimum performance.

We consider water as an opportunity not a constraint. We use this lens to take a closer look at the challenges standing in the way of implementing schemes and sustainable habitats. Unlocking development potential and securing planning consents, we’re tackling risk, mitigating impacts, and ensuring developments are resilient.

We ensure buildings are compliant with all fire safety regulations and for new build, our fire safety engineers will design for compliance with the Building Safety Bill to provide all stakeholders with access to the ‘golden thread’ of information.

We work with a range of stakeholders to model and identify passive design techniques that promote natural ventilation whilst improving the air tightness of buildings to reduce energy wastage. Our structural designs include embodied carbon calculations and advocate the use of more sustainable low-carbon materials.