Electric Vehicle (EV) Consultancy
Electric vehicles are commonplace on our roads, which means delivering charging infrastructure is now at the forefront of the minds of multiple stakeholders.

Admit it. Your head never even turns now when an electric vehicle (EV) glides past you. But it’s still a topic of conversation amongst your friends on where you’ve now seen EV chargers. That’s often because the observation is how few there are.
Providing accessible, commercially viable and scalable levels of charging infrastructure is high on the agenda of a lot of stakeholders. Between them, they have a wide range of needs and wants.
Technology operators and providers need access to power on constrained sites, advice about battery capacity and balancing the grid. They need to manage their risk and exposure and they want to optimise their return on investment.
With net-zero commitments to meet, local authorities need to understand how to deliver equitable charging accessibility as part of their strategy to roll-out local EV charging, whilst protecting the revenue they gain from car parking.
For investors and asset managers, EV charging infrastructure plays an important part in maximising the sustainability and value of their real estate portfolios. To achieve this, they need to understand likely usage, qualify the investment business case, understand the financial offers from charging providers and quantify the commercial benefits.
With our experience in transport planning, electrical engineering, sustainability and smart energy, our electric vehicle consultants are well placed to advise all stakeholders on a robust EV charging infrastructure strategy.
Features and benefits of our service include:
- Site feasibility studies.
- Utilisation and demand studies, and power connectivity studies, with ROI forecasts to 2050.
- Commercial advice on EV charging tenders and negotiations with charging operators.
- Planning application stage support for EV charging proposals.
- Alternative energy provision to site, including renewables, storage and private wire agreements.
- Accessibility of EV charging provision for people with mobility difficulties.
- EV insights, strategy and policy for local and central government.
- Mobility hub design.
Our expertise includes:
StratEV® is the intelligence tool you need to evidence your EV charging infrastructure strategy. The only modelling tool of its kind, it works by drawing together data regarding usage, power demand and revenue. This enables EV charging developers to provide the most efficient solutions in terms of reducing cost and maximising future utilisation.
On an international level, public authorities are focussed on meeting the charging demands from the rapidly-increasing number of EV drivers.
In meeting their net-zero commitments, public bodies must also ensure that EV charging roll-out is equitable for all users across their geographical areas of responsibility, whilst protecting revenue streams associated with traditional vehicle parking provisions.
We help public bodies with:
- Data-driven insights into EV charging demand in their authority area
- EV charging roll-out strategies across public and private estates
- Policy advice informed by data, international best practice and our well-established transport planning expertise
- StratEV® charging demand forecasting
We work with landowners and asset managers to support their investment in EV charging provision, advising on:
- Tenders for EV charging infrastructure
- Valuation and ROI on lease arrangements for EV chargers
- Demand forecasting, including customer and revenue forecasting, through our StratEV® tool
Through our proprietary tool, StratEV®, we can forecast demand for charging which will help inform the required electrical load and the grid connections needed.
Our Smart Energy and Sustainability specialists can map the utility requirements and determine the accessibility of power, whilst also advising on the opportunities to invest in renewable energy, battery storage and micro-grids and vehicle-to-grid systems that offer alternative routes to ensure power and drive revenue.
We survey EV charger usage and parking demand for on- and off-street locations.
Whilst such data will usually be available from the charging operator’s systems, independent surveys can be beneficial in confirming usage patterns and in determining the availability of additional parking spaces for increased EV provision.
The scale and location of charging schemes, particularly those associated with other land-uses or forming part of new developments, will often require our transport planning team to submit a transport assessment or transport statement with the planning application.
To ensure total inclusivity, enabling people with mobility issues to access EV charging, we apply the latest guidance and standards to our design work, including the recent PAS1899 accessible charging standard.
Mobility hubs are defined as central locations for interchange between modes of transport, for example from walking to EV, or cycling to rail.
EV charging is usually a key element within the design of a mobility hub. Our work on urban regeneration and the masterplans for new communities includes the design of hubs to address the opportunities and needs of their surrounding areas.