Nuclear Safety Case Strategy and Production
Providing strategic oversight for the delivery of robust safety cases, helping nuclear operators maintain appropriate safety margins while harnessing the world’s most concentrated energy source.

Safety cases form the backbone of nuclear safety.
As in all other industries, the design and operation of nuclear power plants aims to minimise any risks associated with routine operations or potential accident scenarios.
In the nuclear sector, safety depends on intelligent planning, proper design and back-up systems, operational resilience, high-quality components and a well-developed safety culture.
Our team is comprised of experienced safety case practitioners who know what it takes to maintain appropriate safety margins while you harness the world’s most concentrated energy source. This includes in-depth knowledge of the safety case architecture, strategy development and key deliverables.
These specialist consultants ensure that the safety case documentation required to support large-scale construction activities for nuclear new build sites is robust, comprehensive and meets the rigorous regulatory expectations. The same rigour is applied to safety cases and plant modifications for operational and decommissioning facilities.
We also provide independent review of safety case deliverables produced by others, harnessing the experience that our team has in this discipline.
Benefits and features include:
- Nuclear safety case strategy development.
- Oversight of safety case campaigns, through all iterations of the safety report.
- Development of Modern Standards safety case, using a Claims, Arguments, Evidence approach.
- Communicate the risks associated with the plant, or process, under consideration as simply and succinctly as possible.
- Demonstrate that suitable and sufficient measures are in place to adequately manage any risks.