Developing corporate governance architecture

Our extensive support to the development of corporate governance documentation for the management of radioactive waste across EDF’s existing fleet has helped ensure continued safe, regulatory compliant and environmentally conscious operations.

Hydrock has provided extensive support to EDF Energy in the development of corporate governance relating specifically to how it conducts whole lifecycle management of radioactive wastes across its fleet of eight power station sites, all of which hold separate Radiological Substances Regulation (RSR) Environmental Permits. Drawing extensively on operational experience gathered from across the generating fleet, covering the management of both lower and higher activity radioactive wastes, we have conducted a number of key tasks to ensure that the corporate governance remains contemporary and usable:
- Development of a corporate governance architecture that sets out fundamental requirements in high level ‘parent’ specifications, supported by ‘daughter’ specifications containing specific and detailed requirements;
- Preparation of individual corporate governance specification documents, working to the EDF Energy template for these and with extensive consultation of both Central Support Functions and site-based personnel. This also includes extensive quality assurance activities, to ensure compliance with EDF Energy’s document management system;
- Undertaking periodic reviews (normally three-yearly) of corporate governance specification documents, to ensure continued relevance and accuracy. Crucially, this captures feedback from those using the specifications to support management of radioactive wastes on operating sites;
- Completion of Compliance Assessments, considering the performance of individual sites and waste management activities/projects in relation to the requirements set out in one or more relevant specifications, and identifying areas of best practice or areas for improvement.
Through this work, Hydrock has supported EDF Energy in ensuring continued compliance in respect of its RSR Environmental Permits, as well as ensure that the expectations of the nuclear regulators for conducting safe, sustainable and optimised radioactive waste management are met.