Demonstration of safe and environmentally focused nuclear power station operations

Our involvement in the Periodic Safety Review 3 for the Sizewell B site, covering operations over the last 10 years, supported the case being made to the nuclear safety regulator for continued safe operation over the next 10 years.

Hydrock undertook technical authoring and verification of the Periodic Safety Review 3 (PSR3) - Safety Factor 14 assessment for Sizewell B (SZB) nuclear power station. This considers the “Radiological Impacts on the Environment” as a result of station operations. Our work included the review of ten years’ worth of operational and performance history for the power station to support the case for continued operation. The report underwent an Independent Nuclear Assessment and was reviewed in line with international guidance.
Following direct receipt of a Request for Service, recognising the credibility that we have in this discipline, Hydrock was appointed by EDF Energy to undertake a detailed assessment and prepare the corresponding report for SZB nuclear power station. This built upon technical support provided by Hydrock to the PSR3 in undertaking the Safety Factor 14 reviews for Heysham 1 / Hartlepool and also Heysham 2 / Torness.
An assessment was carried out at the site, split into six arguments covering areas including the environmental monitoring programme, plant systems, radioactive gaseous and aqueous discharges and radioactive waste arisings. Working closely with site-based personnel, which included a site visit and plant walk-down, evidence regarding the station’s performance over the last 10 years was compiled in order to support the case for continued operation and operations over the subsequent 10 years.
Our report forms a key part of the PSR3 deliverable, which goes to the UK nuclear safety regulator as evidence that continued operation of these nuclear power stations is safe and that the highest possible standards of environmental protection are being applied and achieved / sustained.